Sunday, January 16, 2011

My AHA moment!


I know to anyone reading my blog (If anyone actually is :P) this may sound corny, cheesy n tacky...
But I just had an AHA moment!!!

I had to write it down so I could come back n read it later if ever I forgot this life lesson!
(Thank you Internet!)

   Well, I was having one of those sleepless nights when I finally decided to just get up n quit trying further to sleep.

I had recently downloaded some of  Oprah's farewell season episodes
(I tend to watch a lot of stuff especially around my exams...need something to procrastinate!!!:P)

While scrolling through the episode list to get some life inspiration,  I saw this episode titled
                                                     'LOVE STORY REUNITES!' 
I assumed that probably it's one of those episodes where long lost lovers meet on the set of Oprah <3
 The romantic in me killed the cynic & chose to check out romance instead of self-help!
:) Typical!!!:P

  Anyway, I was in for a surprise when I realized that actually the episode was a literal Reunion of the lead pairs of the famous movie-The Love Story !
  Now I had not seen the movie but I've most definitely read the book as a teenager
 As a matter of fact, I have it on my pillow already looking at me while I type this!
(I pulled it out as soon as I finished the episode!!!I love paperback!:P)

    Well, it was a wonderful episode watching Ali McGraw's talk about how she had found peace with herself & to watch Ryan O'Neal talk with so much love for Farrah Fawcett (his partner who died of cancer last year) <3

But something from the show just resonated with me & I think it probably will with anyone who watched the episode or is reading this...

   If you have read the book or even seen the movie, you would most definitely remember when Jenny says to Oliver,"Love is never having to say sorry!"
I confess that when I had first read this at 16 yrs of age, I went ,  "WOW"
I mean imagine being so purely in love when u don't need to apologize! Back then, I wondered if such love actually happens to people n worse, if I would ever experience it?

Years later , when I'm not a relationship-virgin anymore (:P...I just coined this word n I love it!It's so apt!)
So, ya, now that m not a relationship-virgin anymore, I actually smirked when they played that video...& it was refreshing to see Oprah n Ali address it...

I found an excerpt on & this is how it went:

It's true!
It definitely doesn't make sense !
In any relationship, when you mess up, you need to own up your mistakes and apologize. Not just in words, you need to ensure that your actions also follow through!
It ain't easy...but neither is Life !

Well, turns out with Oprah , even romance can be enlightening!!!
She is a gift <3

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