Pretty interesting actually...It was unnerving to see that in many parts of even the 1st world countries , children are brought up believing that only their religion is going to lead them to Divine Fulfillment of their Destiny & if they do not live accordingly they will burn in hell n face misery forever!!!
Somehow it makes me really appreciate how I was brought up as a child...a Hindu girl in a Convent school in a Secular country... I think it was the best upbringing I can imagine!
In school we were taught science as it was...Evolution n all...
I remember in the third grade we first learnt about Evolution . The 1st line in the chapter of read - MAN IS A SOCIAL ANIMAL. OUR ANCESTORS ARE THE PRIMATES.
This was followed by the definition of Evolution & a pictorial time line of Evolution of Modern Man from a primate to the Neanderthal Man and ultimately to Homo Sapiens.
I remember one of my classmates raised her hand & asked Miss Theresa (our class teacher),"So Miss,Who are Adam & Eve?"
I was lost as I had never heard of any Adam or Eve at that time.Miss Theresa smiled & answered ever so patiently saying,"Well, that's what you learn in Church & Sunday school while this is what you learn in school"
Looking back I realize that it was the perfect thing a teacher could say to a child... the uncomplicated Truth!!!
Ms Theresa did not take sides - pitting science and religion against each other but put down the facts giving the kids a new perspective that both can coexist in peace.
Growing up, I was surrounded by friends from various beliefs.... Jains, Hindus, Muslims, Catholics, etc. In our childish banter, I remember often arguing with my friends how my dress was nicer or my teacher was better n sometimes on the similar lines - MY RELIGION IS BETTER THAN YOURS.
At times like these I was scolded and reprimanded by the adults around me & was constantly told, "ALL RELIGIONS ARE GOOD . THEY ALL TEACH YOU TO LOVE & RESPECT ONE ANOTHER.All these religions are just different paths leading to the same destination...God!"
I know it probably sounds too righteous & m not saying that I m spiritual because of this past...but thanks to this unbiased upbringing, I am capable of appreciating every religion & seeing the beauty of it.
With time, I have changed & so have my beliefs in religion and rituals.
I no longer believe that m a true Hindu (if there's such a term) but I ain't no Atheist either.
I do believe in a Higher Power and appreciate things we humans do to appease that power - rituals & religions.
Only difference I believe that all these religions r just different routes to one destination...being a Good Human!!!
Isn't that what ultimately matters?
- Doing Good
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